
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
I'm going to put through a long distance phone call to that zany New York City cabdriver, Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. The Driver of the Yellow Mobile Conveyance Lounge has a ton of True Tales on his website: gabby...
Montana Twice The National Rate
Montana Twice The National Rate
Montana Twice The National Rate
Montana is home to the highest suicide rate in the country, & the child suicide rate (ages 10 to 17) is DOUBLE the national rate according to a recent report from Montana Kids Count. The report explains the risk factors, signs, & effective prevention. Childr...
Where Are The McCorkles Today
Where Are The McCorkles Today
Where Are The McCorkles Today
Daniel & Panayiota McCorkle are resting side by side west of Conrad these days but they've "alive & well" in the book we're currently reading up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. The biography of Daniel & Panayiota, "To Speak Of Love Was Not Enough" by Dorothy (Mrs. Louis) Flo...
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Alma Terrebonne thought she was done with Montana, with its cruel poverty, bleak winters, & stifling ways.. Hard work & steely resolve got her to Yale, & now she's an attorney in a high-profile Seattle law firm. But an unexpected call from the Montnaa police takes the successful lawyer back to her provinincial hometown & pulls her into the family trouble she thought she'd esecaped.
Don’t Fall For This One
Don’t Fall For This One
Don’t Fall For This One
Marias River Electric cautions members to be aware of a phone SCAM going on right here in our Golden Triangle. The "caller" demands payment within the next 15 minutes OR the member will be disconnected! Marias River Electric would NEVER ever call with this type of demand WITHOUT prior notice...
Not Much But They Call It Home
Not Much But They Call It Home
Not Much But They Call It Home
It's Ray Frost's homesteader shack on the barren Montana prairie,s & it's a sight for sore eyes. Even the "Ray-Man's" recently arrived mail order bride isn't too impressed as we continue with Gildford, Montana author Russell B. Crites' book, "The Long___Awakening" up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. I'...
It’s Going To Be Crites Tonight
It’s Going To Be Crites Tonight
It’s Going To Be Crites Tonight
Gildford Montana's Russell B. Crites that is...I'll be beginning his book this evening (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby for our Tuesday night Montana History at the Heritage. Russell's book is: "The Long----Awakening", & it's a Montana tale that takes place back in the late 1920's. It...
Blackfeet To B Special Hosts
Blackfeet To B Special Hosts
Blackfeet To B Special Hosts
The Blackfeet Domestic Violence Program will be hosting "A Gathering of Native American's" Conference tomorrow (Tuesday) through Thursday in Browning with registration set for 8 o'clock SHARP tomorrow morning. The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn in Browning...
Only 14 Pages To Go
Only 14 Pages To Go
Only 14 Pages To Go
We have only 14 pages to go in Rick Sterry's "Blizzard Of '32" our current Montana History book up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. In my opinion, ONE of the BEST we've ever enjoyed during Montana History on Tuesday evening's. When we're done having fun with the "Blizzard Book", I intend to share another Montana History book...
I Have 1 More Left
I Have 1 More Left
I Have 1 More Left
I have ONE more hardback copy of New York Times Bestselling Author Gayle Tzemach Lemmon's "Ashley's War" & I'm putting it "Up-For-Grabs" tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. This untold story of a team of women soldiers on the Special Ops battlefield goes on sale nationwide next Tuesday! 1s...
The Untold Story
The Untold Story
The Untold Story
It's the untold story of a team of women soldiers on the special ops battlefield. It's the new hardback action thriller "Ashley's War" from HarperCollins that's up for grabs at 7:30 tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. According to Senator John McCain,  "Ashley's War" by New York Times Bestselling Author Gayle Tzemach Lemmon "shares the remarkable real-lif

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