
Our Life In The Golden Triangle
Our Life In The Golden Triangle
Our Life In The Golden Triangle
It's another fun week here in North Central Montana. The weather is GREAT & tonight (Wednesday) the Summer Market Festival will be happening down in Conrad from 5 until 8 at the Conrad swimming pool. Hats off to our Pondera County neighbors & friends. Over i...
What Does The Gabby Cabby Know About Farmers Markets
What Does The Gabby Cabby Know About Farmers Markets
What Does The Gabby Cabby Know About Farmers Markets
In a word, NOTHING! Regardless, Peter Franklin-The Gabby Cabby will be joining me long distance LIVE from New York City this afternoon (Thursday) around 4:30 on the Puffman Show. If I didn't have to be here to keep Pete straight, I'd probably be downtown at our Shelby Farmers Market...
Puff’s Ag Rag
Puff’s Ag Rag
Puff’s Ag Rag
Tall Todd and the custom cutter guys are still down in the Conrad area. The boys are finishing up some winter wheat north of Conrad and waiting on the green spring grains. Some barley and spring wheat HAVE been harvested but high grain moisture is halting their big machines from wrapping things up here in the Golden Triangle...
Global Warming?
Global Warming?
Global Warming?
I'm not sure. According to NOAA, July marked the hottest month on record here in the United States. Drought expanded to cover nearly 63% of the Lower 2 million acres. According to NOAA scientists, the average temperature during July was 77.6 degrees which was 3...
Way To Go Fay
Way To Go Fay
Way To Go Fay
Fay Martin of Shelby was the "$10 in product" winner at yesterday's (Thursday) Farmer Market here in Shelby. There's still plenty of summer left and more Farmers Markets are on the way. Our weather continues to be GREAT! They're held every Thursday afternoon from 4 until 6:30 at Shelby City Park...
Sue, Sue, How Does Your Garden Grow
Sue, Sue, How Does Your Garden Grow
Sue, Sue, How Does Your Garden Grow
I would assume "quite well". Sue Violett (sure, it's a "flower show, don't you know) of Chester will be joining me this afternoon (Tuesday) at 2:30 on the Puffman Show as we all learn about the Chester Garden Club. They're a good organization...
MSU Extension Workshop: 6 Healthy Ways to Preserve Apples
MSU Extension Workshop: 6 Healthy Ways to Preserve Apples
MSU Extension Workshop: 6 Healthy Ways to Preserve Apples
5:30 p.m., September 4th Conrad Location TBATopics:  5:30 p.m., September 6th Shelby Location TBA Preserving Apples: Jelly, Sauce, Drying, Pie Filling,Fruit Leather, and Freezing Apples    Recommended research-based recipes and resources Workshop consists of three stations...
A Garden Fair for Friends to Share
A Garden Fair for Friends to Share
A Garden Fair for Friends to Share
Conrad Garden Club invites you to a community FLOWER  “SHOW-OFF” Saturday    August  11 9am to 6pm    Moose Lodge on Main   Bring Your Garden Bounty to Show Off Make and Take Flower Arrangement Workshop     People’s Choice Awards    Educational Displays       9 am-noon    Bring your bounty -enter your homegrown cut                                         flowers, vegetables, planters and housepla
How’s The Harvest In The Golden Triangle
I received a report this morning (Friday) that "Touring Todd" and the custom cutter crew blew into Conrad yesterday and the day before. I understand that road construction made for a long move from the Forsyth and Billings area. At least that's what they're saying...
Go Get ‘Em Drogitis
Duane Drogitis is the latest winner of the $10 drawing from our Farmers Market here in Shelby. Who couldn't use an extra $10! Why not sign up for the next drawing this afternoon (Thursday) at our Shelby Food and Craft Market down in City Park...
So Nice For Brice
So Nice For Brice
So Nice For Brice
Brice Stewart was the WINNER of the recent $10 drawing our Shelby Food and Craft Market. Congratulations Brice, it sounds like a "peach of a deal". There's another Food and Craft Market tomorrow (Thursday) here in Shelby down at Shelby City Park...
Combines To Conrad
Combines To Conrad
Combines To Conrad
I received a report from "Thrashing" Todd earlier this morning (Wednesday). He says the custom cutter guys are done with the irrigated barley over in Forsyth and they are harvesting irrigated spring wheat, which is too wet at 20% moisture. The boys are planning to move into the Conrad area here in the Golden Triangle this coming week, as producers are anticipating to start the Conrad har

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