
What’s It All About?
What’s It All About?
What’s It All About?
Humana Medicare will be down in Conrad this Wednesday morning. They'll be ready & able to answer ALL your questions pertaining to Medicare or Humana or even BOTH! Wednesday's Medicare/Humana session will run from 11 until 1:30 at the Conrad Senior Center....
The Rep’s Beating A Path 2 Benton
The Rep’s Beating A Path 2 Benton
The Rep’s Beating A Path 2 Benton
The Veterans Affair Rep from Great Falls will be in route to Fort Benton this Wednesday morning. Your rep will be ON DUTY & stationed in the Human Services Office from 9 until noon Wednesday morning. If you'd like to apply for benefits when you visit with the rep, please be sure & bring along a copy of your discharge/separation (DD214) papers....
Shrubs Hedges Trees=PROBLEMS!
Shrubs Hedges Trees=PROBLEMS!
Shrubs Hedges Trees=PROBLEMS!
The City of Shelby is working in cooperation with our Toole Country Sheriff's Department to focus on local properties that have shrubs, hedges & trees that impair the vision of area motorists. In fact, SEVERAL accidents have come close to happening from motorists pulling out into streets with limited visibility from shrubs, hedges & trees. You're...
He LOVED The Park
He LOVED The Park
He LOVED The Park
He was W.J. Yenne, & the man was born & raised near Glacier National Park. In fact, he W.J. for the National park Service over in Glacier for nearly 30 years, & most of that time under the title of "Supervisor of Trails." I'm reading & sharing Mr. Yenne's book, ...
Murderer Took Him-Justice Eluded Him-Time Forgot Him Until NOW
Murderer Took Him-Justice Eluded Him-Time Forgot Him Until NOW
Murderer Took Him-Justice Eluded Him-Time Forgot Him Until NOW
The man is Clarence Pellett. The film is "Pellett." You're invited to the Toole County Courthouse here in Shelby this Wednesday at 12 noon, when Clem Pellett & the production team from the movie, "Pellett." will be presenting a special Shelby "sneak" preview with the trailer from the movie. Cl...
“I’LL” B Back On The Trail
“I’LL” B Back On The Trail
“I’LL” B Back On The Trail
At least, I'll be reading ABOUT the "trails" this evening (Tuesday) when I'm up at the Marias Heritage Center perusing & sharing more Montana History. We'll continue reading about the man I refer to as the "Dean of Trails," the last W.J. Ye...
SUICIDE Memorial Walk Set 4 October
SUICIDE Memorial Walk Set 4 October
SUICIDE Memorial Walk Set 4 October
The Toole County Mental Health Advisory Board will be meeting today (Thursday) up at the Marias Heritage Center. Meeting time is 12 noon SHARP, & we would encourage as many board members as possible to attend today's noon meeting as we will be discussing the FINAL plans for the upcoming Suicide Memorial Walk on October 9th.Als...
BACK 2 The Heritage 4 SwitchBACK!
BACK 2 The Heritage 4 SwitchBACK!
BACK 2 The Heritage 4 SwitchBACK!
"Switchback; Fifty Years in Glacier & the West," is the name of the book, & I'll be up at the Marias Heritage Center tonight (Tuesday) to read & share more Montana History with the late W.J. Yenne's captivating read. And, why wouldn't it be...Mr. Yenne...
And that means I'll be reading & sharing more Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center! I'll be there at 6 o'clock SHARP to read (out loud) more of W.J. Yenne's tome, "Switchback; Fifty Years in Glacier & the West." W.J. last name rhymes with "penny" in case you're wondering. The Pu...
How Many Fingers?
How Many Fingers?
How Many Fingers?
I'll be asking that question tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. Up for grabs Saturday morning is the thought provoking book, "Big Medicine: The Cost of Corporate Control and How Doctors and Patients Working Together Can Rebuild a Better System"...
How Noxious IS Noxious?
How Noxious IS Noxious?
How Noxious IS Noxious?
You'll have an opportunity this Thursday, as the Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council will be meeting down in Great Falls. Thursday morning's meeting will commence at 8:30 SHARP at the Cascade Public Works Building IN Great Falls. Good, sound management of these NOXIOUS weeds makes good sense & makes for good neighbors!...
The 7/10 Hemp Advisory Committee will be meeting this afternoon (Wednesday) at 1. Today's meeting is a "location change"...they'll be meeting in the Snowy Mountain Room down at the Yogo Inn in Lewistown. I wouldn't be all that surprised if our Grover Gopher turns up at this afternoon's meeting...

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