Most Trout Don’t Read
Contrary to popular belief, trout are NOT intellectuals! "I" know that because "I" read the book! I'll have that book, "Most Trout Don't Read; Lessons; Lessons from Time on the Water," up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Scot Bealer, who lives in Helena, authored this riveting fishing read with the fantastic photography by Helena's Lea Frye. The images from Lea's camera bring Scot's stories to life. Scot's background includes teaching, guiding, & even a stint as the head instructor at the L.L. Bean Fly Fishing School! Be the 1st caller in at 7:30, with the correct answer to my sports trivia question & WIN, "Most Trout Don't Read." It's one beautiful presentation from Sweetgrass Books. See more at www.sweetgrassbooks.com. As the former executive producer of the Old Fishing Hole, I agree with Scot, when he says, "True mastery of fishing isn't about memorizing lots of facts, but rather having a sense of curiosity & spending time on the water." That's one of the reasons why I was the executive producer. See you Saturday morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, where the winning is only beginning.