A Long Island school bus driver who rescued three stranded police officers has been fired. The reason? His actions violated company policy.

George Daw had just picked up a teenaged student and his escort when a freak storm hit. The golf ball-sized hail and torrential rain stopped traffic, damaged cars and flooded the road.

Among those caught in the storm were three Nassau County police detectives whose car started filling with water. When the officers flagged down Daw for help, he agreed to take them to their precinct.

After the incident, Daw dutifully filled out a report so his employer, the Educational Bus Company, would know why he was delayed. Instead of commending the Good Samaritan, however, the company fired him. The notice of termination Daw received claimed he endangered students by picking up unauthorized passengers and driving through a large body of water.

The detectives and their commanding officer were stunned to hear that Daw had been fired. “We are sorry to hear of any negative consequences that arose from his helping out my detectives,” Detective Lt. Raymond Cote said.

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