
It’s Going 2 B WILD!
It’s Going 2 B WILD!
It’s Going 2 B WILD!
It's a WILD game stew dinner tomorrow (Saturday) up in the North Country. American Legion Border Post 73's having their annual Wild Game Stew Dinner tomorrow night at the Sweetgrass Legion Hall, & everyone's invited up. The dinner will be on the platters starting around 6, but why not come early & visit with friends & neighbors. Don't worr...
Hee Haw Returns On Saturday Night
Hee Haw Returns On Saturday Night
Hee Haw Returns On Saturday Night
Not the old TV show, but Donkey Basketball! Donkey Basketball returns to Shelby THIS Saturday night at 6 o'clock SHARP with teams comprised of our FFA, fireman, wrestlers & basketball players. ALL team players have been training extensively for Saturday evening's event. Th...
Donkey Basketball Comes 2 Shelby HS
Donkey Basketball Comes 2 Shelby HS
Donkey Basketball Comes 2 Shelby HS
There'll be plenty of "Hee-Haws" in our Golden Triangle come NEXT Saturday night, April 13th, when Donkey Basketball returns to Shelby! Participating teams in this year's Donkeyball" include our Shelby FFA & Shelby wrestling teams taking on the Shelby Fire Department & Shelby Basketball, & they'll hit the floor at 6 o'clock SHARP! But wait.....
Farming & Poetry
Farming & Poetry
Farming & Poetry
The theme for this year's National Ad Day is, "Agriculture: Food for Life," & those 3 words really say it all. Agriculture is Montana's #1 industry. Montana seems to have it all. I DON'T "think" we have papaya's, & I'm not disappointed. In fac...
We’re Minding Our P’s & L’s
We’re Minding Our P’s & L’s
We’re Minding Our P’s & L’s
As Montana Agriculture Appreciation rolls along through March, I'm reminded of our P's & "'s...peas & lentils, & I'm talking DRY edible peas. In fact, Montana's the #1 producer of lentils & dry edible peas in the entire USA! Often times, "city folk" will come up to me & say, "Puffman, exactly how big IS an acre?" I like to give th...
Here Come The Millennial Farmers
Here Come The Millennial Farmers
Here Come The Millennial Farmers
We're honoring Agriculture all this month & celebrating Agriculture. There are now some 257,454 millennial farmers in the country! Not only that, but more than 20% of ALL farmers are beginning farmers. More & more, Montana beginning & veteran farmers "network" on YouTube to help with production questions & mechanical fixes on the farm. It's working t...
Korea & Japan Love Us!
Korea & Japan Love Us!
Korea & Japan Love Us!
We're almost through the month of March, & Montana is rolling along. More & more, I am convinced that our Montana Agriculture is #1 & "TOPS" in so many different facets of agriculture.. For example, both Korea & Japan are the #1 consumer of our Montana beef. Speaking of #1...
Not All That Much Fat
Not All That Much Fat
Not All That Much Fat
Not really much at all. While we're recognizing & celebrating the abundance provided by Montana Agriculture all this month here at KSEN & KZIN, I'll submit that whole milk is only 4.5% fat.  In fact, a Montana diary cow will produce over 100 POUNDS of milk a day while the average Montanan will gulp down 400 glasses of milk every year! This m...
Where’s The Beef?
Where’s The Beef?
Where’s The Beef?
If you ask me, there's a ton of it (even more) right here in Montana. As we celebrate National Agricultural Day this month with this year's theme, "Agriculture: Food for Life," we're reminded that there's not only 265,000 head of cattle on Montana's Indian reservations along, but our friends down in Beaverhead County have the #5 beef producing county in the United States...
Nothing Finer Than Primer (Rib)
Nothing Finer Than Primer (Rib)
Nothing Finer Than Primer (Rib)
St. William Catholic Church here in Shelby will be having their Prime Rib Dinner AND silent auction THIS Saturday night! All the fine food & FUN will be from 5 until 7:30 on Saturday evening over at St. William's Parish Hall. It's $25 per person for some of the finest prime rib you've ever eaten. Bu...
It’s “The Bees Knees”
It’s “The Bees Knees”
It’s “The Bees Knees”
No wonder one hears the term "worker bee" so takes our Montana bees 2 MILLION flower visits to produce only 1 pound of honey!  In fact, Montana ranks 2nd in the United States in honey production. How sweet it is. Speaking of sweet, nearly half of the sugar consumed in our country comes from sugar beets...
Ruminating & Farming
Ruminating & Farming
Ruminating & Farming
I was sitting here with my teeth in my mouth thinking about Montana Agriculture, along with the "theme" for this year's National Ag Day on Thursday, March 14th. Did you know that a "RUMINANT," like a cow, goat or lamb, has FOUR stomach compartments & contrary to the belief of many "city folks," cows do NOT have 4 stomachs! No...

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