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Some Lead 4 Your Head
Some Lead 4 Your Head
Some Lead 4 Your Head
I'm going to be throwing out a "Led Zeppelin" musical trivia question on this afternoon's (Monday) Puffman Musical Trivia at 4:35 &, in my opinion, it's a perfect one! Speaking of "Perfect," the book I'll be giving away to the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my musical trivia question is, "The Perfect Girl" by New York Times bestselling author, Gilly Macm
No War 4 Oil
No War 4 Oil
No War 4 Oil
That's the title of book I'll be giving away tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. Ivan Eland's the author of "No War For Oil: U.S, Independency And The Middle East." Mt. Eland is Senior Fellow & Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute. I'm th...
Come Karaoke In Conrad
Come Karaoke In Conrad
Come Karaoke In Conrad
Sing your hearts out...the Community Cancer Foundation will be holding their 2nd round of KARAOKE this Saturday night down in Conrad at Ed's Tavern. Ed's will be filled with joyful noises Saturday night as folks from all over our Golden Triangle compete for FUN, prizes & a wonderful cause. I'...
Pellett’s Going 2 The Pokey
Pellett’s Going 2 The Pokey
Pellett’s Going 2 The Pokey
Dr. Clem Pellett's blowing into town tomorrow (Wednesday) to do some preliminary scouting with his director of photography for his upcoming, soon to be produced movie, "Pellett." Clem will be here in Shelby, along with Producer/director/screenwriter of "Pellett," Producer Peter Sobich, & Cinematographer Jeremy Miller. Th...
The Most Stories In Shelby
The Most Stories In Shelby
The Most Stories In Shelby
I'm jacking my jaws about our Toole County Library, & tomorrow (Tuesday,) the Friends of the Library will be meeting AT the library at High Noon. I suspect that ANOTHER great book sale is in the cards & coming up very, very soon. I'll keep you posted on my Puffman Blog. Again ...
Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman Musical Trivia returns on Monday afternoon's at 4:35 starting today, & this afternoon (Monday,) I'll feature the book, "Freedom Flight; A True Account of the Cold War's Great Escape" by Frank Iszak. Mr. Iszak was a journalist at the apex of the Communist terror in Hungary when his article about the dissolution of a collective farm landed him in a uranium mine for "re-edu
Meet Me On Mars!
Meet Me On Mars!
Meet Me On Mars!
I'll be making contact with Mars tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I have a beautiful "coffee table presentation" book, "Mars: Making Contact," & you'll have a chance to WIN the book with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question. Ro...
He Was The King
He Was The King
He Was The King
"Nat-The-King-Cool-Cole" we used to call him, & tomorrow (Tuesday) night, down in Fort Benton, there's going to be a marvelous tribute to the legend as Choteau County Performing Arts presents "Too Marvelous for Words: A Celebration of the Nat King Cole Trio" at the Fort Benton Elementary School Auditorium. Sh...
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered if the science portrayed in your favorite science fiction movies & books could actually exist? Me? I often wonder hows come Brian-The-Dog on" Family Guy" sometimes walks on all 4's & barks while at other times can stand on his hind 2 feet & carry on an intelligent "human" conversation. All that a...
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Shelby Little Guy Wrestling sign ups are coming up tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon over in our Shelby Elementary School foyer. Best sign up Thursday between 3 & 5:30 because practice gets underway NEXT week. Me? I've been a big time fan of ACTION in the "Squared Circle" since the days of Bruno Sammartino!...
Shot In Montana
Shot In Montana
Shot In Montana
"Shot In Montana; A History of Big Sky Cinema" is the title of this beautiful "coffee table presentation from Riverbend Publishing down in Helena. Being the "Stage Door Johnny" that I am, I'll be talking with the author of this fantastic read this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show...

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