World News

Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman’s Musical Trivia’s Back
Puffman Musical Trivia returns on Monday afternoon's at 4:35 starting today, & this afternoon (Monday,) I'll feature the book, "Freedom Flight; A True Account of the Cold War's Great Escape" by Frank Iszak. Mr. Iszak was a journalist at the apex of the Communist terror in Hungary when his article about the dissolution of a collective farm landed him in a uranium mine for "re-edu
Meet Me On Mars!
Meet Me On Mars!
Meet Me On Mars!
I'll be making contact with Mars tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I have a beautiful "coffee table presentation" book, "Mars: Making Contact," & you'll have a chance to WIN the book with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question. Ro...
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have U Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered if the science portrayed in your favorite science fiction movies & books could actually exist? Me? I often wonder hows come Brian-The-Dog on" Family Guy" sometimes walks on all 4's & barks while at other times can stand on his hind 2 feet & carry on an intelligent "human" conversation. All that a...
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Get Ready 2 Wrestle
Shelby Little Guy Wrestling sign ups are coming up tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon over in our Shelby Elementary School foyer. Best sign up Thursday between 3 & 5:30 because practice gets underway NEXT week. Me? I've been a big time fan of ACTION in the "Squared Circle" since the days of Bruno Sammartino!...
Getting Back 2 R Roots
Getting Back 2 R Roots
Getting Back 2 R Roots
There will be FREE Community Family History classes THIS Sunday down in Conrad. The History Classes will run from 6:30 until 7 Sunday evening with a workshop to follow from 7 until 8. This informative & FUN program will take place at the LDS Meeting House in Conrad. Fo...
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
Go out & buy a gun I guess. At least that's what author Chris Bird brags in his newest book. "Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away." "Gunsmoke" Chris is also the author of "Thank God I Had A Gun: The Concealed Handgun Manual," & his new book is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Triv
Zee Is 4 Zinc
Zee Is 4 Zinc
Zee Is 4 Zinc
Unless you're in Canada. Up there, it's "Zed" is for zinc. At any rate, I've been "researching" whether taking zinc for colds makes Mr. Cold go away any faster. Ever since a 1984 study that showed that zinc supplements kept people from getting as sick, there's been talk around our water cooler about zinc...
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I knew a woman named "Butter" years back but Elaine Khosrova's new tome has nothing to do with this woman. Elaine's book IS "Butter: A Rich History," & with the narrative flair of Mark Kurlansky & the culinary curiosity of Michael Pollan, Elaine tells the RICH story of one of our most unassuming ingredients. Did yo...
Take R Mayor’s Advice
Take R Mayor’s Advice
Take R Mayor’s Advice
"Mare Lare" often says, "Run to the roundhouse," & I say, "When you do, take along Brian Solomon's "Field Guide To Trains; Locomotives and Rolling Stock." My friend, Brian, is one of today's most accomplished railway historians. The man has authored more than 30 books about railroads & locomotive Power, & his writing & photography have been featur
My Body Forms A Plank
My Body Forms A Plank
My Body Forms A Plank
It says that right here in the book & the book is, "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids," & this colorful, informative presentation is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Triva! "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids" was written by Teresa Anne Power & beautifully illustrated by Kathleen Rietz. No doubt a...
1 More Chance
1 More Chance
1 More Chance
Tomorrow (Saturday,) Christmas Eve Day, will be your LAST chance to get your Christmas gifts all wrapped by our Shelby Girl Scouts. The "girls" have been manning a booth out at the Shopko store most of this month, & they'll be "ON DUTY" one more day for the last minute gift shoppers. Th...
Greener Pastures
Greener Pastures
Greener Pastures
There's going to be a Pasture Management Workshop tonight (Monday) over in Cut Bank. This evening's workshop will be conducted at the Glacier County Extension Office. Please RSVP TODAY at 873 2239. I'm no stranger to "pastures" myself...several of my co-workers have been suggesting for years that "I" should be "put out to pasture...

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