Natural & medical disasters can strike at any time. Our news is full of dramatic stories of people who have managed to survive hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes & other catastrophes. How can YOU increase YOUR odds of survival if you can't reach a doc? Ask "The Survival Doctor". He's Dr. James Hubbard, M.D., M.P.H., publishes the #1 survival medicine Web site & blog,, which receives 400,000 unique visitors, each month. That even more visitors that my Puffman Blog enjoys! Dr. Hubbard is the author of the new SURVIVAL handbook, "LIVING READY POCKET MANUAL: FIRST AID from Living Ready Books. The good doctor is a long-time family physician & survival expert, he has helped thousands of people learn life-saving first aid skills. In my opinion, Dr. Hubbard's book could save you and/or your family's life in a crisis. Find out what you do after the 1st few minutes of first aid-when help is delayed or not on the way. Check it out at: & stay safe.

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