At the start of each season there are just 1,696 men in the world deemed talented enough to play in the NFL, the most popular sports league in America. & of that tiny number, only a handful become household names. Most players, like Nate Jackson who spent 6 years as a Tight End for the Denver Broncos, fall somewhere in the middle, fighting their way onto a roster every year, putting their bodies & minds through hell. "Slow Getting Up; A Story of NFL Survival from the Bottom of the Pile" from New York Times Bestseller Nate Jackson is the book that I'll be giving away tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. Kirkus Reviews got it right when they said, "Jackson was never a household name, but his memoir is better than any ghostwritten self-homage from a superstar." You don't have to tell me about a "Superstar"...I'm the Puffman. Check out "Slow Getting Up" from Harper Perennial (it just went on sale nationwide THIS month), & then listen to WIN! See you tomorrow morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia where I've got a great sports trivia question on some "father-son" coaches.

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