Glacier County Commission Hearing (Updated)
It’s like having a bank account, but never knowing exactly how much is in that account… and expecting a pay check every month but not getting it until maybe four months later
Thursday morning, Glacier County Commissioners heard from everyone from school districts to the state department of revenue and the city of Cut Bank…each one giving a detailed account about cash reports that were delayed by up to five months. Disbursements, for example, driver’s license fees to the state that are not paid and discrepancies in cash repot when they are finally received.
The horror stories were given during a fact-finding hearing by Glacier County Attorney, Carolyn Berkram, so that commissioners could determine if Glacier County Treasurer, Mary Ann Boggs, has failed to meet the requirements of her job.
School District Clerk, Scott Laird said on the average, reports to the school district were 108 days late during Boggs’ tenure and usually, they were wrong.
Following the afternoon’s session, Commission chairman Michel DesRosier, along with Commissioner Ron Rides at the Door signed a resolution which will allow County Attorney Berkram to attempt to collect approximately $33,000 in penalties resulting from 66 violations in the Treasurer’s office.
DesRosier said there seemed to be a misunderstanding with the public that the resolution was meant to suspend Boggs from her position. DesRosier also noted that it was his general sentiment that the commissioners should “not take action in front of a recall petition that is currently pending against Boggs, but rather the petition process should be allowed to run it’s course.