We hear more & more about football & concussions these days. In fact, the new movie, "Concussions" with Will Smith opens nationwide on Christmas Day. Tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'm giving away the NEW book, "Conquering Concussion; Healing TBI Symptoms With Neurofeedback and Without Drugs". Time alone does NOT health the brain according to the authors, Mary Lee Esty, Ph.D. & C.M. Shifflett. Even "mild" injuries contribute to serious life challenges, including AD(H)D, depression, fog & fatigue, head & body pain, emotional swings, sleep problems, weight gain, crippling anxiety & PTSD. The history chapter along in "Conquering Concussion" details injuries from Henry the VIII to Elvis Presley. Mike Webster from the Pittsburgh Steelers is in here too! Check out the book at: www.ConqueringConcussion.net from Round Earth Publishing (www.Round-Earth.com) & then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. Speaking of concussions, I've come up with a sports trivia question on a "Mean" college football coach! See you tomorrow morning on Puffman's Sports Trivia.

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